In these first days of fall, I am finding so much to reflect on. Not only have we been away for a summer break, but it has been six months since any of us have been together; and in that time, we have battled a global pandemic and had a national reckoning with race, not to mention the personal things that have happened in our individual lives.
In this time, I have been able to reflect on and celebrate my own identity, build a stronger relationship with my father, and put into action the change I want to see in my communities.
One of these communities is BCC. Before coming to BCC, I hadn’t met people from so many different backgrounds. At BCC, I met other people like me—people of mixed races, people from the Caribbean. Through the encouragement of friends I made at BCC, I was able to come to terms with my identity—a mixed, Caribbean kid from the “hood.” I realized: I want a better future for kids like me.
In my neighborhood, there are no opportunities or resources for low-income children to be involved in music. Being able to participate in BCC has been life-changing. For me to have access to a program that was affordable, accessible, and convenient has inspired me to share that opportunity with others.
Over the summer, my friend Carmen and I along with some other BCC students created GEM—Group for Equity in Music. In my last year at BCC, I hope to keep contributing to a culture that is regenerative! But we must continue to have discussions and to listen to all voices and different experiences. If I want to affect change, I can’t just sit here and expect it.